Whereas, the Paleo Diet attempts to replicate what humans ate prior to the agricultural age, looking at the past the Cro-Magnon Diet is happy to learn from the past, but primarily looks to the future.
Who is Cro-Magnon man?
Cro-Magnon was once thought to be the missing link between humans and our evolutionary ancestors, but most archeologists today prefer to simply class Cro-Magnon as the first homo sapiens. The name comes from a large cave in France where evidence of the earliest humans were found.
What is the significance of the Cro-Magnon name?
Cro-Magnon means “great cave.” Caves are empty spaces. The evidence found in the ground and on the walls scratches the surface of what could be known about human beings. What are we? The large empty space of the cave begs us to fill in the blank. We are not what we were. We are what we are becoming! We are not yet what we will be. We are a work in progress.

How did Cro-Magnon Defeat Neanderthal?
We don’t know how it is that homo sapiens came to be the lone hominid to survive, while Neandethal and other hominids went extinct. We do know that we possess certain qualities that are helpful for the survival of the human race. We may have communicated better. We may have developed better technology. We may have bonded together as community. And we may have had some advantageous physical features, though certainly with Neanderthal, if anything, it seems we may have been at a physical disadvantage. We may have been at war. We may have survived through strategy.
What ‘s so Great about Survival?
To thrive is better than to survive. When we consider the void of the Cro-Magnon cave, we should consider our full potential as humanity. Survival and maximized awesomeness are two extremes. The former is merely prerequisite for the latter. The Paleo Diet was a survival diet. It had nothing to do with maximizing awesomeness. Humans survive by doing horrible things – killing one another, drinking urine, being cruel to animals – whatever it takes. There is nothing awesome about that. We aren’t fulfilling our potential by mere survival.
So what is the Cro-Magnon Diet?
It is a comprehensive lifestyle mindset that is forged by communities of researchers and participants who compare notes. What programs have worked and which ones haven’t? Why? We want real statistics and reasons. The Cro-Magnon Diet is a holistic health process that seeks to opimize our potential as individuals, as communities and associations, and as caregivers of planet Earth and beyond. It is a social and scientific diet, exercise and lifestyle program that gathers wisdom to assist individuals, groups and institutions to become all they can become. The result is optimal health.
How is Optimal Health Achieved?
We will build a community. We will invite researchers to offer their findings and assess today’s most popular programs for diet and exercise and lifestyle. We are interested in statistical studies more than anecdotes. We will find ways to compare studies and meta-studies, publishing them right here. And we will provide matching tools to help users quickly match their goals and current health condition and habits with programs that work best for that description. We know that no two people are wired exactly the same. There won’t be a one-size-fits-all solution. However, we can develop an app that will make recommendations based on user input of goals and conditions and we will provide tools like blogs, logs, calendars, support groups and more.
How do blogs work?
Register to be a Cro-Magnon Diet member. We’ll provide space for you to upload your videos, pictures and write daily messages. This is your diary, where you can talk about your personal diet program or what you have learned as a health and nutrition professional. If you choose, your blogs may be featured on the main feed, or you may keep them private for you or particular groups to see only. We will build a more robust site as members come in. This community started with one person and is built on invitiations. Invite industry experts you know to use this platform. We aren’t trying to reinvent the wheel. We just want to separate the hype from sound advice and help people become their very best.
Who Started the Cro-Magnon Diet and its Community?
The Cro-Magnon Diet concept and community were both started by James Carvin, the founder of the Pamalogy Society.

What is the Pamalogy Society?
The Pamalogy Society is an organization dedicated to the maximization of awesomeness. See pamalogy.com for details. It teaches the philosophy of awesomeness and practices what it teaches by funding and providing volunteer personnel support to qualifying endeavors called “pamalonomies.”
What is a “Pamalonomy”?
The Pamalogy Society incubates high positive social impact concept stage endeavors called “pamalonomies.” Pamalonomies are either owned by creators and workers or they are non profit organizations. The Pamalogy Society supports pamalonomy candidates one at a time according to a strategic plan as determined by its board of directors.
Is the Cro-Magnon Diet a Pamalonomy?
The Cro-Magnon Diet is a pamalonomy candidate. If you would like ownership in the Cro-Magnon Diet program, there may be an income opportunity for you here if the team that forms determines that a for-profit organizational model would be optimal. To become a team member that earns a right to shares, start out as an active volunteer. Become a community helper here. During concept stage, that is all it takes.
What is “Concept Stage”?
Candidate programs are not yet formed. They are in concept stage and may involve research and development. The relationship between participation and rewards during concept stage is a group decision made by the candidate team as it forms. The team will form a business plan that it submits to the Pamalogy Society as a request for proposal. This will initiate either a rejection or an offer.
What Type of Offers Might be Made?
Offers by the Pamalogy Society will be to provide certain dollar amounts of funding based on startup mile stones and various performance criteria according to a schedule. It may also include a commitment to providing a certain number of volunteer hours for specified periods. Pro bono commitments may be based on performance criteria and milestones achieved by the startup, as well.
When Will All of This Take Place?
Expect the research phase of the Cro-Magnon Diet to take at least one year – in other words, it will not likely be completed sooner than January 2024. All subsequent financial and volunteer disbursements by the Pamalogy Society will only take place after a team has presented an adequate business plan and proposal and demonstrated commitment sufficient to seek grants and donations for the project from Pamalogy Society supporters to designate to the project.
What Can I Do to Help?
There are many ways to help. Please participate by setting up a personal profile. If you are trying out a diet, use the blog diary. Feel free to share it with groups you find here or allow us to feature it. Post recipes, regimens, work out photos, food pics, videos and other content that helps you log your journey to optimal health. Your philosophical thoughts and thoughts on lifestyle are welcome here too. Just stay within our community guidelines.
What are the Community Guidelines?
When you blog, be sure to stay on the theme of health, fitness and lifestyle. Don’t spam. Don’t promote products or services. Don’t hate on anyone. Be kind. Try not to engage in politics. This site is for research and analysis, not advertisements or political opinion. Blogs posts may be removed at the administrator’s discretion. Repeat offenders will be banned from participation.