Some days I’m pleased with myself for the progress I’ve made on the Cro-Magnon.Diet site. Other days, I run into roadblocks. My latest challenge is making the user blogging page more robust.
I’ve got bills to pay. Nobody gave us grant or research money. So, in my spare time I’m building this site, making it useable by a community of diet and exercise experts, in preparation. That means making it easy to upload tables and charts and videos and images, as well as communicate with each other to compare notes. I’ve made progress, but won’t ask for participation until all that stuff is working. Until then, expect to see a bunch of posts just from me. It’s how I”m testing the system. Then once it is acceptable, I’l start encouraging its use. There may be financial opportunity for participants. That’s the plan, but I’ll explain that elsewhere.
In that spirit, here is a test on a comment. I haven’t tried that yet. How does it look? Do I have to approve comments?
Nope. No approval required. This, of course, means making war with possible robots. Of course, there is a strategy for that in the works. It may mean requiring a dollar contribution from registrants. Don’t be alarmed if that odd request happens. Robots are a real problem. They love making comments on web sites, but they can’t if they have to pay money to do it. Is a $1 too much to ask for to make sure we’re talking to humans?